Youth initiatives

Name: Adriana Bueno

Country: Spain

Organisation: ON&OFF

Description: My project is called "365". It is a musical album composed

according to my experiences transformed into songs.

Name: Asmant Hosseni

Country: Sweden

Organisation: !FALL

Description: Making films about refugee young people life story how to come to Sweden from Afghanistan or from other countries.

Name: Malaga _ Sir Alex and the lovely college band

Country: Italy

Organisation: Calypso

Description: Arrival? starting point?

Reaching far away places in reasonable time, having fun and feeling fine.
Being carried away from positive directions, listening and then talking about what we’ve been listening to. all of this with music made of images, doubts, oddities, and many references. our journey take us to Malaga, last song of the album.

Name: Idil Abukae

Country: Sweden

Organisation: !FALL

Description: Intercultural tours in nature and show your culture.

Name: Estíbaliz Morillo Altimasberes

Country: Spain

Organisation: ON&OFF

Description: My project is about integration of disable people through music.

Name: PULP: death and others mixtures _ ARFE SKENE’

Country: Italy

Organisation: Calypso

Description: Three boys, a master of contemporary literature and great passion are the ingredients for this project: free performance for a theatre studio from Bukowski’s PULP.

Name: Vanessa Nilsson

Country: Sweden

Organisation: !FALL

Description: Start a summergroup that will work with vaulting on woodenhorse. They will together design a number that will be in the musical Tumungo. Vanessa will work together with Maria, Miriam, Clara and Zaza.

Name: Daniel Bustillo Ansoleaga

Country: Spain

Organisation: ON&OFF

Description: My project "Hütte" tells you the story where a child arrives to a mysterious hut full of enigmatic people. It is a story about the origin of the evil and the perception that we have about it.

Name: Mediterraneo - MaRinò e le Maschere Perse

Country: Italy
Organisation: Calypso

Description: "Mediterraneo" Project is a concept that wants to give a voice and a place to the sea, strong symbol for cultural exchanges and both human and economic openness. Cradle of the world, inner soul of the idea of the west. In the performance poems (unrealesed and written by the artist MaRinò) and live paintings will create atmospheres with original live music.

Name: Clara Jonasson

Country: Sweden

Organisation: !FALL

Description: Design an acrobatic fabric number for the musical Tumungo. Teach other this number at the summer course together with Vanessa, Zaza, Maria, Miriam.

Name: Lidia Micha Nsi

Country: Spain

Organisation: ON&OFF

Description: It is called "alma desnuda". It's telling you about the itinerary of my life written in each lyrics of each song.

Name: Ho.Me - Mar.tha Fe.sta

Country: Italy

Organisation: Calypso

Description: It’s the time you live to determine who you are. Away from my I asked myself what is really beyond and inside this strong and infinite universe. In a difficult and new time for me, time always to be conquered, I had written a project to submit it for a call and maybe when you follow something that is calling you, then you find somebody who listen to your search; la fabbrica dell’esperienza did it, and I asked Vernicefresca teatro, my island far away in km, where everything started, to give it a try for the making, and Calypso, with the wiseness of believing in me today make it possibile for me to be

Name: Jaime Fernández Plaza

Country: Spain

Organisation: ON&OFF

Description: “Wake up” consist in develop a song from little pieces of noises.

Name: Mar Arrese Jiménez

Country: Spain

Organisation: ON&OFF

Description: My project consist about mixing in a show (performance/ play) different artistic branches as dancing, painting, theatre, photography... 

Name: Dove of hell _ Simone Carlucci

Country: Italy

Organisation: Calypso

Description: sixty poems juicy decadent, original fragments that taste like me, Mr Shades, king of the Shadows. Shall thou not run away from reading, thou not have all this Time and Heaven is such a weird place!

Name: Marcos Peña

Country: Spain

Organisation: ON&OFF

Description: "INSTÁTANEOS" my project is to do videos of humour.

Name: Maria Doschori Nordström

Country: Sweden

Organisation: !FALL
Description: Working with and teaches dance for the Musical Tumungo as an integration project between swedish youngster and refugees.

Name: This body you live_ Elisa Lipari
Country: Italy

Organisation: Calypso

Description: It is a collection of illustrations to tell what the body is for real, made out of differences that we usully call flaws, body that we often feel ashamed of, body that is often out of the standard of beauty, a body we want to happily live in.

Name: Maria Ortíz de Villalba

Country: Spain

Organisation: ON&OFF

Description: I am writing a science fiction novel and the title right now is not concreted.

Name: wandering journal of an (almost) twenty one years old boy - without an umbrella_ Leonardo Fabini

Country: Italy

Orgnisatin: Clypso

Description: telling a journey through synaesthesia: a synergy of a journal made of eight short poems in prose, with a soundtrack, graphics and a short movie. All of this in an artistic video installation . All of this with searching for the complexity and richness of perception in a new linguistic synthesis. “ we weren't poets, we weren't artists, not even visionaries, rebels, neither genius, not even gods. we were wandering holes, secretly begging to get to yet unpainted worlds.

Name: Rubén Tobía Aguado

Country: Spain

Organisation: ON&OFF

Description: my project is to create a rock and roll group of music.

Name: Miriam Göransson

Country: Sweden

Organisation: !FALL

Description: Work with the script och songs for the musical Tumungo. Help the children in the musical to learn songs and lines.

Name: María Sabanza Gil

Country: Spain

Organisation: ON&OFF

Description: "Faceless" is a short film about the the necessity of show us how we are without any kind of fears.  

Name: Zaza Ghaith

Country: Sweden

Organisation: !FALL

Description: Design a parkor number for the musical Tumungo. Teach parkor in the summer group together with Vanessa, Clara, Miriam, Maria.

Name: Unai Pérez Tobes

Country: Spain

Organisation: ON&OFF

Description: “Tras el muro” is a novel written and thought up by me where you can find the motivation that we have to explore, discover, and felling new experiences.

 Name: Anna Daverio

Country: Italy

Organisation: Calypso

Description: "Here, Now" a photographic project realised as an anonymous urban action. This work wants to investigate the world of volunteering, focusing on direct beneficiaries of volunteers’ actions, in the widest meaning, to make the community approach this yet undiscovered world.

Name: Crystal slivers_weirdo

Country: Italy

Organisation: Calypso

Description: A book. eight stories.
different worlds in one reality. always hidden and untold.
you’ll read.
will you understand?
will you get over it?
Will you make the change?
The discovery is up to you.

With the support and cooperation of

With the support and cooperation of